A Packer Fan Story

I met this cool little dude a while ago, while he was visiting his Dr. in MN. He told me he broke his hip when he walked off the edge of his deck at the cabin, while he was sleep walking! Ouch! He is a huge Brewers and Packer Fan. When I asked who his favorite Packer player was, he said it was WR Brett Swain. His sister said that was only because his name was Brett! I did not have the heart to tell him that he was no longer on the team. He really like my Packer Fan For Life Bracelet and said he would wear it all the time if he had one, that was a no brainer for me. I took it off my wrist and asked his parents if it was o.k. if I gave it to Brett as a gift? They thought it was a very nice gesture and agreed.

I was the one that was truly happy to get a chance to meet this strong and brave young man, and him loving the Packers just as much as me, was just an added bonus!

Hope your doing well Brett! Go! Pack Go!

Timmy The Packer Fan

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